Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Totally Random Words

Previously, I posted a post about juxtaposition, now i'm going to explain a little bit about random words. Random word is applying a matter (random word) to solve a problem.

For example I have here is to giving a sign warning to give sense of danger, scary with a random word of kitten. Before I start, i need to list down characteristic, behaviour, simply what my knowledge about the random word (in this case, kitten).

So here what i list down,
if you can't read from the image (obviously you do not), here what it said...
- cute
- stalking
- playful
- always ask for food
- snuggle

So i chose "always ask for food" as element, now i need to use this, stay with it & solve the problem with this. So here is the result...

- replacing food with "danger ; death"
- explaining the area keep claiming for blood ; deaths.

As you may notice, the result have nothing to do with kitten (random word). That is because i use the characteristic of the random word...

What we can conclude here, that juxtaposition & random word are totally different to one another, juxtaposition simply combine 2 matters into 1 (if this excersice done with juxtaposition, the result would be something like CAT MONSTER ; combination of kitten & scary).

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Create a Passage to describe a concept, PHEW!

In the same lecture with juxtaposition 2, we also done another exercise of creating a writing to describe a concept. We managed to done 1 exercise for this, and the concept is LOVE and we comparing love the CHILI.
I love you like a chili. Though the taste of it might burn & too spicy, but it dint matter for me, cause of your existence is like a chili in a nasi lemak for me (a must existence).

Kinda sappy, but yeah, that is my first start for this exercise. We are then need to compared few more matters to a few more concepts and here it is what i have done.

Clock is like the clocks. Sometime it goes up and sometimes it goes down and when it is up, it'll pass very fast (midnight pass to morning ; resting time) & when it's down, it'll go very long (working hour)

Life is like an oil lamp. You will never know when it'll goes off. No matter how hard you try to keep it lid, it'll goes off anyway either it runs out of oil (too old) or a strong wind blow it away (illness)

Woman is like mortar & pestle. They may be noisy and hard at some point, but they also the very element that spice up our food (life) and their work (compared mortar & pestle to blender) is incomparable to any hand works (feminence touch).


This is the overall view of my sketch regarding the exercise conducted by Mr. Radzi Bedu on Juxtaposition lecturer. Since I already posted a post here regarding juxtaposition, i'll be calling this post juxtaposition 2.

Here is the exercise works, we listed total of 20 different item, each written with a number for every side of the items, we are then instructed to list 3 different number between 00-99. So my numbers are 50, 31, 88. So, when merged these number, i receive these weird combination below

(50) FIRE + HEAD
(31) ICE + WATER
(88) OIL + WOOD

We are then need to create a sentence from this combination, so here is the sentence.

(50) There is a fire on top of my head
(31) When ice melt, it turns into water
(88) The oil spilled onto the wood

Next, we need to visualize the sentence we created & then COMBINE the words into a different object (example FIRE+HEAD = FIREHEAD)

here it is, SENTENCE VISUALIZATION on the left, COMBINATION on the right.

here it is, SENTENCE VISUALIZATION on the left, COMBINATION on the right.

here it is, SENTENCE VISUALIZATION on the left, COMBINATION on the right.

To conclude, I say this exercise is really cool and it really help me in my next project's brainstorming session for example my Design class in FA, we need to create our very own character. My idea is to create a monster, but somehow i cannot help to come out the idea of giant reptile, so i used this method & it came out great so far, and hope this'll be helpful & useful to the rest of the students & also to the art peoples.

Here is the sneak peek of the character design i mentioned... Going to continue with the method to do the detailing maybe for the hand & the skin color/textures.